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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Friday, the 14th March 2025, 12:35 |
- "Nachwuchsforscher bundesweit vorn". Article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 2006-08-18. [weitere Infos]
- "Falten kein Grund geknickt zu sein". Article in P. M. of 2006-08-01. [weitere Infos]
- "Neue Uni-Prorektoren gew?hlt". Article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of 2006-07-13. [weitere Infos]
- The president of the Max Planck Society has decided to appoint Prof. I. Mertig as a Max Planck Fellow in the MPI f?r Mikrostrukturphysik Halle. The Max Planck Society has recently launched the new program of Max Planck Fellows. University professors appointed as Max Planck Fellows lead a research group within a Max Planck Institute for a duration of 5 years.
- "Physik-Sommerschule beginnt". Article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 2006-07-19. [weitere Infos]
- "Diepenbrock ist neuer Uni-Rektor". Article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 2006-07-06. [weitere Infos]
- The international conference Polypharma 2006 about polymers in pharmacy takes place in Halle from 2006-09-24 to 2006-09-26. Chairmen are Prof. Dr. K. M?der and Prof. Dr. J. Kre?ler. [weitere Infos]
- The Nanoelectronics Days Aachen will be jointly organized by the Center of Nanoelectronic Systems for Information Technology (Research Center J?lich) and the RWTH-NanoClub (RWTH Aachen) from 2006-10-11 to 2006-10-13. The abstract submission closes on 2006-08-21. [weitere Infos]
- 36th EDO fall meeting Wuppertal from 2006-10-04 to 2006-1006. Registration with reduced fee to 2006-05-31, deadline for contributions 2006-06-30. [weitere Infos]
- Max von Laue Prize of the Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Kristallographie awarded to Privatdoz. Dr. Thomas H?che for his investigations of aperiodic crystals, especially substances with fresnoit structure, by means of neutrons, X-rays and electrons. [weitere Infos]
- 10th European workshop on Modern developments and applications in microbeam analysis Antwerp 2007-05-06 to 2007-05-10. [weitere Infos]
- Cover page image from Interdisziplin?res Zentrum f?r Materialwissenschaften on III-Vs Rev. Vol. 19 No. 3 (2006). [weitere Infos]
- Colloquium of the Leibnizinstitut f?r Oberfl?chenmodifizierung Leipzig about Nanosphere Lithography (Dr. B. Fuhrmann), 2006-06-15, 14:00. [weitere Infos]
- 5th workshop "Mikrostrukturcharakterisierung im REM", Fraunhoferinstitut f?r Werkstoffmechanik 2006-06-12 to 2006-06-13.
- Dies academicus on 2006-06-13 from 1 p. m. [weitere Infos]
- Topping-out ceremony of the new Fraunhoferinstitut f?r Werkstoffmechanik Halle on 2006-04-28. [weitere Infos]
- With dismay we were informed that our colleague Dr. J. Schreiber deceased after a coronary on 2006-04-26. The funeral will be on the cemetery Wolfen on 2006-05-12 at 12:00. [weitere Infos]
- Workshop Werkstoffpr?fung 2006 in Bad Neuenahr, 2006-12-07 and 2006-12-08. [weitere Infos]
- "Feinstaub im Blut". Article of the S?ddeutsche Zeitung 2006-04-13. [weitere Infos]
- The UNIVATIONS network of the Martin Luther university organizes a summer school for students, scientist, and founders from 2006-05-18 to 2006-05.21. [weitere Infos]
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