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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Saturday, the 15th March 2025, 22:50 |
- Sports meeting of the weinberg campus e. V., Sportzentrum Brandberge 2005-06-25, 13:00.
- 10th Problem seminar "Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen", Merseburg 2005-06-15 to 2005-06-17.
- "Eine Schmiede der Super-Werkstoffe". Article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung about the new building of the Fraunhoferinstitut f?r Werkstoffmechanik Halle. [weitere Infos]
- The evaluation of the proposals for the Cluster of Excellence takes place on 2005-06-15. [weitere Infos]
- "weinberg campus: Das Netzwerk im Wissenschafts- und Innovationspark Halle/Saale". Article in ICZ aktuell. [weitere Infos]
- "Forschungsverf?gungsgeb?ude f?r nanostrukturierte Materialien". Article in Nova 1 (2004) 14. [weitere Infos]
- "Gro?investitition der Universit?t". Article in "Amtsblatt der Stadt Halle (Saale)" of 2005-04-20. [weitere Infos]
- Three fields of research of Martin Luther University have been included in the Program of Excellence of the Kultusminsterium Sachsen-Anhalt: lifescience, materials science, and the research on Asia and Africa. [weitere Infos]
- The nanotruck as an exhibition about state and potential of nanotechnology will be present on the Science Night 2005. [weitere Infos]
- The activities of the Einstein year 2005 start with a colloquium on 2005-04-04. [weitere Infos]
- The Center for International Students Management started to work on 2005-03-01. It offers professional service for foreign students and scientists. CEO is Prof. J. Kre?ler. [weitere Infos]
- The Halle Institute of Science & Technology awards two prizes for excellent diploma or master theses in the fields of molecular biosciences (Kurt Mothes Prize) and materials science (Heinz Bethge Prize) in 2004. PhD students can apply with a deadline of 2005-04-30. [weitere Infos]
- 3rd Innovation congress "Chemie und Biotechnologie" Dresden 2005-04-27 and 2005-04-28. [weitere Infos]
- Prof. Dr. O. Br?mmer passed away in the age of 84 on 2005-03-08. He was very active in the development of microanalysis and X-ray diffraction. He built in the GDR the first microprobe in the 1960ies. The funeral service took place in the family circle.
- Summer school of physics (not only) for girls Halle 2005-07-13 to 2005-07-15. [weitere Infos]
- Friday 2005-04-15 starting from 13.20: 'Open day' at Hoher Weg 8 on the occasion of the completion of new labs. Among other things guided tour through selected laboratories! The Interdisziplin?res Zentrum f?r Materialwissenschaften presents its electron microscopy and Raman microscopy labs.
- Research forum Freiberg "Microstructure analysis in the materials science", 2005-06-15 to 2005-06-17. [weitere Infos]
- 10. Tagung "Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen", Merseburg 2005-06-15 to 2005-06-17. Deadline for contributions 2005-04-01. [weitere Infos]
- Pictures from the Max Planck calendar 2005 with a contribution form the collaboration MPI f?r Mikrostrukturphysik and Interdisziplin?res Zentrum f?r Materialwissenschaften. [weitere Infos]
- A contribution of M. Hanke, T. Boeck, A.-K. Gerlitzke, F. Syrowatka, F. Heyroth, R. K?hler on size, shape, and ordering of SiGe/Si(001) Stranski-Krastanov islands will be the cover story of Appl. Phys. Lett. on April 4th, 2005.
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