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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Tuesday, the 18th March 2025, 02:45 |
- Elkin Amado (Columbia) was the first to finish the new master course on "Applied Polymer. In is master thesis he dealt with block copolymers. [weitere Infos]
- The International conference on "Extended defects and nanostructures in semiconductors" (EDS 2006) will take place in Halle in 2006. The chairman will be Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner.
- Workshop of the Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Kristallwachstum und Kristallz?chtung about "Herstellung und Charakterisierung von massiven Verbindungshalbleitern" GaAs-, InP- und SiC-Kristallen" , Freiberg 2004-10-06 to 2004-10-07. [weitere Infos]
- International meeting Polymerwerkstoffe 2004, Halle 2004-09-29 to 2004-10-01. [weitere Infos]
- Meeting of the EF-EELS group, Lausanne 2004-09-29 to 2004-10-01. Poster: J. Zhang, R. L. Gaboriaud, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H. S. Leipner: Application of electron energy-loss spectroscopy to high-k gate dielectric Y2O3 films and F. Heyroth, T. H?che, P. A. v. Aken, R. Keding: Determination of transition metal co-ordination in glasses by analysis of highly resolved L2,3 ELNES spectra. [weitere Infos]
- WE Heraeus summer school of physics "Physik der magnetischen Nanostrukturen", Halle 2004-09-13 to 2004-09-24. [weitere Infos]
- The 2004-7 issue of the university journal Scientia Halensis focussing on nanostructured materials is available. [weitere Infos]
- International conference Extended defects in semiconductors, Chernogolovka 2004-09-12 to 2004-09-18. Contributed papaer: H. S. Leipner, H. Lei: Diffusion-drift-aggregation model of the interaction of point defects and dislocations in semiconductors, poster: V. Mikhnovich, H. S. Leipner, V. Bondarenko, F. Heyroth, R. Krause-Rehberg, F.-M. Kie?ling, A. Sen Gupta, J.-L. Demenet, J. Rabier, L. Thilly: Plastic deformation of GaAs at different temperatures. [weitere Infos]
- 13th Workshop "Angewandte Oberfl?chenanalytik", Dresden 2004-09-14 to 2004-09-17. Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner is member of the scientific committee. [weitere Infos]
- Technology partnering meeting and scientific seminar "Bio meets nano and IT" in Oulu (Finnland) 2004-09-01 to 2004-09-03. The participants of the CMAT are: Prof. J. Kre?ler (Nanostructured polymers for biomedical applications) and Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner (Nanoimprint lithography - a new tool for sctructuring of materials). [weitere Infos]
- Prof. J. Kre?ler has been elected acting director of the Interdisciplinary Center of Materials Science in the meeting of the board of directors on 2004-07-13.
- According to the article of the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from 2004-07-09 the closing of the Fachbereich Ingenierwissenschaften is foreseeable. [weitere Infos]
- 12th International summer school on Crystal growth, Berlin 1.-7.8.2004. Priv. Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner gives a Tutorial Lecture about diffraction methods. [weitere Infos]
- Registration of students for the winter semester 2004/2005 from 2004-06-20 to 2004-07-31. [weitere Infos]
- The innovation forum on structuring of glasses will take place in Magdeburg, probably in January 2005. Prof. H. Graener and Priv-Doz. H. S. Leipner are members of the scientific committee.
- We appreciate very much the support of the Fuhrmann family for our "Highway Lions" sports team.
- 7th summer school for girls "Strukturbildung: selbstgemacht oder selbstorganisiert", 2004-07-07 to 2004-07-09. Dr. B. Fuhrmann gives a lecture on nanostructuring. [weitere Infos]
- 3rd Night of Science in Halle on 2004-07-02 from 7 pm [weitere Infos]
- How one can make semiconductor physics less boring? For instance with Britney Spears' guide. [weitere Infos]
- "'Nano, nano', klappern die Gebetsm?hlen". Article of G. von Randow in "Die Zeit" from 2004-05-03. [weitere Infos]
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