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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Friday, the 10th January 2025, 08:52 |
- 17. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik Soest, 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-26. Privatdoz. Dr. H. S. Leipner is member of the Scientific Board. [weitere Infos]
- Ostdeutsches Energieforum, Leipzig 2012-05-10/11. [weitere Infos]
- Scidea contest of innovative ideas launched. [weitere Infos]
- Q-Cells is requesting insolvency. [weitere Infos]
- Benjamin and Jonathan Schmidt are with their supervisor Prof. Georg Schmidt in the final of "Jugend forscht". [weitere Infos]
- M. Deutsch: "Nachts über den Dächern der Stadt." Scientia halensis 1/2012 about Prof. Dr. R. Krause-Rehberg and the radio station of the university. [weitere Infos]
- T. Leonhardt: "Kleine Teile, große Wirkung" Scientia halensis 1/2012. Article about the Super-Kon project. [weitere Infos]
- F. Knothe: "Halle hat den Durchblick". Mitteldt. Z. 2012-03-08. Opening of the Fraunhofer Center für Angewandte Mikrostrukturdiagnostik. [weitere Infos]
- MRS Spring meeting San Francisco 2012-04-09 to 13. Talk of M. Trutschel, K. Bertram, S. Kretschmer, B. Fuhrmann, A. Tonkikh, P. Werner, H. S. Leipner: "Electrical and thermal conductivity measurements of Si-Ge superlattices" [weitere Infos]
- Workshop on Dislocations in multi-crystalline silicon, Freiberg 2012-03-27. Invited talk H. S. Leipner: Interaction of point defects with dislocations.
- Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung 2012 in Freiberg, 2012-03-07 to 09. Talk of D. Oriwol. H. S. Leipner, M. Hollatz "Observation of dislocation cluster formation in multicrystalline silicon". [weitere Infos]
- 76. DPG-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2012-03-25 - 30. [weitere Infos]
- "Solarzellen 2.0". Article Claudia Misch in Scientia Halensis 1/2012 about the photovoltaics group of Roland Scheer. [weitere Infos]
- Workshop Failure analysis and material characterization on microelectronics, microsystem technologies and nanotechnology at Fraunhofer IWM Halle 2012-03-08/09 [weitere Infos]
- Topping-out ceremony Fraunhofer CSP on 2012-03-27. [weitere Infos]
- The short film festival "nanospots" takes place in the Mitteldeutsches Multimediazentrum in Halle on 2012-*07-05. [weitere Infos]
- Colloquium of the DFG SPP Nanostructured thermoelectrics in Bad Honnef 2012-01-27. [weitere Infos]
- IFOX project meeting in Halle 2012-01-26/27. [weitere Infos]
- The Annual magazine of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 2011 published. [weitere Infos]
- SFB 762 "Funktionalität oxidischer Grenzflächen" funded for another four years. [weitere Infos]
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