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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Saturday, the 25th January 2025, 16:36 |
- "Millionen-Förderung für neue Energiespeicher". Press release of Martin Luther University about the Super-Kon project. [weitere Infos]
- "Millionen für Forschung". Article in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of 2010-11-16 about the Super-Kon project. [weitere Infos]
- The 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik will take place in Vienna form 2011-07-03 to 2011-07.2011. Privatdoz. Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner is member of the Scientific committee. [weitere Infos]
- Foundation stone laid of the Leopoldina [weitere Infos]
- From Lilliput to Brobdignag - Gulliver as phycisist. [weitere Infos]
- Obituary to Prof. Helmut Alexander in Phys. J. [weitere Infos]
- Project meeting of the project "Si- und Si-Ge-Dünnfilme für thermoelektrische Anwendungen (SiGe-TE)" in Halle at the IZM-MLU on 2010-12-03.
- The project "Neue Superkondensatoren als Energiespeicher (Super-Kon)" of the IZM together with the Institut für Physik and the Institut für Chemie will be funded by the BMBF for two years. It starts with 10 new scientific coworkers on 2010-11-01. The allowance amount to about 1.5 M EUR. The leaders of the project are Prof. Dr. Horst Beige, Prof. Dr. Stephan Ebbinghaus, and Privatdoz. Dr. Hartmut. S. Leipner. [weitere Infos]
- Meeting of the BMBF project "Siliziumbasierte nanostrukturierte Dünnschichtmaterialien als innovative funktionale Elemente für Solarzellen der nächsten Generation (SINOVA)" with Prof. Martin Green (UNSW Sydney) in Aachen from 2010-10-20 to 2010-10-23.The participants of IZM-MLU are Privatdoz. Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner and Martin Schade.
- Centre for Innovation Competence SiLi-nano officially started. [weitere Infos]
- Campus Maps: New online offer of Martin-Luther-Universität. [weitere Infos]
- "Laser enttarnt Welt der Zwerge". Article in Sonntagsnachrichten 2010-10-03. [weitere Infos]
- Laying of the foundation stone of the new building of the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics on 2010-10-01. [weitere Infos]
- Inauguration of the new Rektor. [weitere Infos]
- New regulation of the IZM-MLU published. [weitere Infos]
- Physics wants the diploma degree to be reestablished. [weitere Infos]
- Our proposal within the ForMaT program "Neue Super-Kondensatoren als Energiespeicher (Super-Kon)" will be funded by the BMBF. It is a project of the Institut für Physik (Prof. Dr. Horst Beige), the Institut für Chemie (Prof. Dr. Stephan Ebbinhaus) and the IZM-MLU (Privatdoz. Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner).
- Roland Scheer as a new professor for photovoltaics at MLU. [weitere Infos]
- Family fest on Weinberg campus on 2010-07-02.
- AOFA16 and 5th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology September 2010 in Kaiserslautern. [weitere Infos]
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