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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Monday, the 17th March 2025, 17:58 |
- WE Heraeus Summer School of Physics: Ferroelectrics - Smart materials for actor, sensor, and memory devices. Chairmen H. Beige, D. Hesse. Halle 2003-9-15 to 2003-9-26. Application deadline 2003-5-31. [weitere Infos]
- 7th International workshop on "Beam injection assessment of microstructures in semiconductors", Lille 2003-05-25 to 2003-05-29. Posters H. Lei, H. S. Leipner, V. Bondarenko, J. Schreiber: Identification of the 0.95 eV luminescence band in n-type GaAs:Si; S. Vasnyov, J. Schreiber: Dynamic CL of dislocations in II-VI compounds. [weitere Infos]
- The article "Pop-in effect as homogeneous nucleation of dislocations during nanoindentation", by D. Lorenz, A. Zeckzer, U. Hilpert, P. Grau, H. Johansen H. S. Leipner, has been selected for the May 19, 2003 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. The Virtual Journal is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research. [weitere Infos]
- Dr. R. Wehrspohn (MPI f?r Mikrostrukturphysik Halle) obtained the Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize 2003. [weitere Infos]
- Talk of Prof. R. Krause-Reherg in the colloquium of the Fakult?t f?r Physik und Geowissenschaften, University of Leipzig, on 2003-05-20. Title: "Positronen in der Materialforschung". [weitere Infos]
- Workshop "Schwerionen als Werkzeug" Wernigerode 2003-05-12 to 2003-05-13.
- Excursion of the Graduiertenkolleg 415 to Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 2003-5-7 to 2003-5-8.
- Article in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung about the new building of the Nanotechnologiezentrum (TGZ III). [weitere Infos]
- Women's meeting of Martin Luther University in the Melanchtonianum on 2003-04-16 at 14:00.
- The summer semester starts on 2003-4-1, begin of lectures on 2003-4-7.
- Prof. G. H. Michler (Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften) received the Paul J. Flory Polymer Research Prize of the University of North Texas in Denton for his work on the micromechanics of polymers and the new results from electron microscopical investigations. [weitere Infos]
- Promotion of start-up companies by the local government of Halle. [weitere Infos]
- DGKK workshop "Herstellung und Charakterisierung von massiven
Kristallen der Verbindungshalbleiter GaAs, InP und SiC", Erlangen 2003-4-2 to 2003-4-3. Talks: V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Gr?ndig-Wendrock, J. R. Niklas: "Leerstellendefekte in undotiertem getempertem GaAs", F. M. Kiessling, V. Bondarenko: M. Czupalla, C. Frank-Rotsch, K. Irmscher, U. Juda, M. Naumann, M. Neubert, P. Rudolph, W. Ulrici: "VCz-Z?chtung von GaAs ohne B2O3". [weitere Infos]
- 41st workshop on point defects. Dresden 2003-3-21 to 2003-3-22. Talk of R. Krause-Rehberg: "Untersuchungen zum Rp/2-Effekt in Si mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation". [weitere Infos]
- Colloquium Mikroanalyse 2003 "Neue Entwicklungen in der Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse und r?ntgenographischen Mikrobeugung". Organizer Oxford Instruments/TU Dresden, Struppen on 2003-03-20. Application deadline 2002-02-17.
- 11th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Kristallographie Berlin 2003-3-10 to 2003-3-13. Poster: C. Str?mpel, C. Eisenschmidt, H.-R. H?che: "Untersuchung von plastisch deformierten APM-Quasikristallen mittels R?ntgendiffraktion". [weitere Infos]
- Meeting of Halle university lecturers in the Neues Theater Casino, 2003-03-11, 20:00. P. Sodann is introducing the Kulturinsel.
- Preliminary information: 12. Tagung Festk?rperanalytik Wien 2003-09-22 to 2003-09-24. The Microprobes section of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft is co-organizer. Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner is member of the scientific committee.
- The final examination (written test) of the lecture Physics of Materials of Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner takes part in the Interdisziplin?res Zentrum f?r Materialwissenschaften, Hoher Weg 8, 06120 Halle on Friday 2003-02-28 at 10:00. [weitere Infos]
- Our longtime webmaster Michael Kolbe is going to leave us at the end of February 2003. He found a position at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt in Berlin.
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