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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Tuesday, the 18th March 2025, 08:38 |
- Meeting of the Deutscher Hochschulverband, H?rsaal f?r Gyn?kologie, Magdeburger Stra?e 24, 06112 Halle on Wednesday 2003-02-19, 16:00. The minister of education Prof. Dr. J.-H. Olbertz is talking about the development and perspectives of the universities in Saxony-Anhalt.
- End of winter semester 2003-02-14. The summer semester starts on 2003-4-7. [weitere Infos]
- Workshop of the Network "Funktionelle Schichten" Bitterfeld 2003-2-6. [weitere Infos]
- Workshop of the DFG Research Group "Oxid interfaces" Wickerode 2003-1-17 to 2003-1-18. [weitere Infos]
- special issue of the university magazine for halle university [weitere Infos]
- Opening ceremony for the assembly hall of the university on 2003-01-12 [weitere Infos]
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. R. Krause-Rehberg has been apointed "au?erplanm??iger Professor" by the Ministry of Education Sachsen-Anhalt.
- Mr. V. Mikhnovich has signed his contract with the Graduiertenkolleg 415. He will start with his work on 2002-12-9. This topic is the high-temperature deformation of GaAs. Supervisor is Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner
- The European open competitive bidding for the planning of the cleanroom within the TGZ III facility (Technikum nanostrukturierte Materialien) carried out by the Technologie- und Gr?nderzentrum Halle is finished. The Dittel Cleanroom Engineering company in Kaufbeuren will make now the planning.
- Christmas Party of the Physics department: In the physics building Hoher Weg 8, 2002-12-18, 6 p.m. Santa Claus will be there around 7 p.m. [weitere Infos]
- The meeting of the executive board of directors of the Center of Materials Science takes place in the Hoher Weg 8, room 609, on 2002-12-10 at 17:30. The main topic is the planning of the TGZ III (Technikum nanostrukturierter Materialien) facility.
- H. S. Leipner: Investigation of dislocations and vacancy clusters by means of positron annihilation. Invited talk at Technische Fakult?t of Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t Kiel 2002-11-21. [weitere Infos]
- 22. Tag der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Bad Honnef 2002-11-14 to 2002-11-16. Members of the Vorstandsrat: Prof. Dr. H.-R. H?che, Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. S. Leipner. [weitere Infos]
- Joint meeting 2002 of JEM users from Germany, Switzerland, and Benelux. MPI Halle, 2002-10-27 to 29-10-2002.
- Michael Kolbe successfully defended his PhD thesis "Depolarisationserscheinungen bei der R?ntgenbeugung in Mosaikkristallen" on 2002-09-19. [weitere Infos]
- The talks of the 1st EPOS User Meeting in Rossendorf can be downloaded as pdf files. [weitere Infos]
- The new semester starts on 2002-10-01 (Lectures 2002-10-14). Prof. Dr. G. Dr?ger retires at the end of the summer semester 2002. Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. R?der has retired in July.
- 2nd workshop of the section "Applied simulation in crystal growth" of the DGKK. Memmelsdorf 2002-10-10 to 2002-10-11. Invited review talk H. S. Leipner: Generation, dynamics, and configuration of dislocation structures. [weitere Infos]
- Things are moving on with the Technikum f?r nanostrukturierte Materialien (TnM). The invitation to tender for the planning of the cleanroom has been published in the Amtsblatt der Stadt Halle (Saale) on 2002-09-04. [weitere Infos]
- Materialica Fair M?nchen 2002-9-30 to 2002-10-2.
The Center of Materials Science takes part with the poster "In-situ-Experimente im 'Elektronenmikroskop unter atmosp?rischen Bedingungen'" in the booth of Sachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt. [weitere Infos]
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