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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Materialwissenschaften
Nanotechnikum Weinberg
Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4,
D-06120 Halle, Germany
News archive | Tuesday, the 18th March 2025, 10:09 |
- Christian Heiliger starts with his Diploma work with the subject "Experiments and simulations of electron energy loss spectra of TiO2". The experiments are carried out in the CMAT, the theoretical part in the Fachgruppe Theoretische Physik.
- Norman Hedwig is working in the Positron Lab on his Diploma work with the topic positron generation at the ELBE positron source Rossendorf (EPOS).
- EF-EELS meeting Stuttgart 2002-9-25 to 2002-9-27.
Poster: F. Heyroth, M. R?ssel: VG HB501 mit Gatan Enfina PEELS. Erste Ergebnisse [weitere Infos]
- WE-Heraeus-Ferienkurs f?r Physik "Computational Material Science", Halle 2002-09-16 to 2002-09-27.
Kursleiter: Prof. Dr. W. Hergert, Dr. A. Ernst [weitere Infos]
- Night of science 2002-09-20 in Halle [weitere Infos]
- 12th Workshop Angewandte Oberfl?chenanalytik Kaiserslautern 2002-09-15 to 2002-09-19.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. R?der is member of the Scientific comitee. [weitere Infos]
- Workshop EPOS-02 Rossendorf 2002-9-16 bis 2002-9-17.
This workshop is dedicated the project of an intense positron source at the
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf as an external user-dedicated facility of CMAT.
Chair: Priv.-Doz. Dr. R. Krause-Rehberg. Our talks: R. Krause-Rehberg: The concept of EPOS (ELBE positron source); N. Hedwig: Positron generation at EPOS; R. Krause-Rehberg: Aspects of radiation protection. [weitere Infos]
- 1st ANKA users meeting Karlsruhe 2002-09-16 to 2002-09-17 [weitere Infos]
- Ralf Odenthal, student of the Fachhochschule Merseburg, works as a trainee in the Fachgruppe Kristallphysik in the winter semester 2002/2003. His subject is the construction of a high-temperature chamber for X-ray diffractometry.
- 34th EDO fall meeting Wuppertal, 2002-09-09 to 2002-09-11.
Poster: F. Heyroth: Systematische Untersuchungen zur Abbildung im ESEM. [weitere Infos]
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner has been elected chair of the Section Microprobes
of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. [weitere Infos]
- 3rd Workshop on Positron studies of semiconductor defects. Sendai 2002-09-29 to 2002-10-04.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. R. Krause-Rehberg is member of the International Advisory Committee. Our contributions: R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Bondarenko, F. Redmann: Recent results from the Halle positron laboratory (talk). A. Kawasuso, M. Maekawa, M. Yoshikawa, H. Itoh, F. Redmann, R. Krause-Rehberg, P. Sperr, G. K?gel, W. Triftsh?user, M. Weidnen, T. Frank, G. Pensl, T. Chiba: Radiation-induced point defects in SiC (talk). V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Gruendig-Wendrock, J. R. Niklas: Vacancy-like defects in SI GaAs: Post-growth treatment (talk). H. S. Leipner, Z. Wang, H. Gu, V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, J. L. Demenet, J. Rabier: Dislocations and vacancy clusters in silicon deformed at different temperatures (Poster). [weitere Infos]
- Special Colloquium to celebrate the 65th birthday of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. G?nter Dr?ger on Thursday, 22. August 2002, 2:00 p.m. [weitere Infos]
- The 3rd WE Heraeus Summer School on Photonic Crystals: Optical Materials for the 21st Century will be held in Wittenberg from July 14 - 25 [weitere Infos]
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